When choosing a book, how important is the company that published it?I almost never notice who published the book.
Not very important, but I usually make a note of it.
I have a few publishers I especially like, but mostly I choose the book based on other criteria (story, author, etc.).
Very important. I know if [my favorite publisher] published it, it will be a great read!
I notice the publisher if the book is badly edited. Otherwise it's not very important, though I actually check the publisher out just for curiosity.
I will favor Baen, Random House, and other publishers who do not participate in Apple's Racketeering Model.
only if it is a part of a series i'm collecting
never ever!
it can make a whole lot of difference if it is a translation
Somewhat important - knowing the publisher will give me a vague idea of what the book will be like. It's not generally make or break if I'm deciding what to read, but it can tip the balance one way or another.
depends-certain publisher are known for a genre. But most of my authors jump publishers
Very important. I don't support mess.
It doesn't factor into my purchasing decisions.
Not very important, but I usually make a note of it.
I have a few publishers I especially like, but mostly I choose the book based on other criteria (story, author, etc.).
Very important. I know if [my favorite publisher] published it, it will be a great read!
I notice the publisher if the book is badly edited. Otherwise it's not very important, though I actually check the publisher out just for curiosity.
I will favor Baen, Random House, and other publishers who do not participate in Apple's Racketeering Model.
only if it is a part of a series i'm collecting
never ever!
it can make a whole lot of difference if it is a translation
Somewhat important - knowing the publisher will give me a vague idea of what the book will be like. It's not generally make or break if I'm deciding what to read, but it can tip the balance one way or another.
depends-certain publisher are known for a genre. But most of my authors jump publishers
Very important. I don't support mess.
It doesn't factor into my purchasing decisions.
Interesting that for a vast majority of readers, the publisher doesn't matter all that much (only 1% indicate it as a buying criteria). This isn't to say a publisher doesn't add value. It does, however, indicate that as social networking and computers allow authors to produce their own quality works as well as market them (and brick and mortar stores account for fewer sales), publishers will have to re-evaluate what they can offer... or simply improve royalty rates to make offloading that work more attractive. I don't think authors are unwilling to pay for their services, just that the cost/benefit ratio isn't all that enticing right now. It'll come around - it has to - but until it does, this is a golden opportunity for mouse-slinging, wordsmithing upstarts like myself.
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