I was only bitten twice.
I think my wife has some pictures on her Facebook of them cuddling now. Rocky beginnings can lead to furry, achingly-cute endings. It basically took my wife locking herself in a neutral room with them for 24 hours straight, and getting it all figured out.
Anyway, I promised this week I'd get back on track with my goals. I basically took a week off after my latest release, and caught up on some of the less writerly pursuits in my life. (aka: I played a lot of Diablo.) Here are the goals:
- Lesson Learned - Breaks are as important as writing. It's important to get one's head on straight before diving into the next project, no matter how much you may wish you had a dozen books out.
- WIP - There are still some minor things with the print version of Fates' Motif we need to tweak, but the e-book versions have already been downloaded several times. I hope people are enjoying it. If you'd like a free version for helping me promote somewhere on the Internet (your blog, B&N... doesn't even have to be overwhelmingly positive or anything. Can just be: "yep, checking this out"), I'm more than happy to give them away. Just shoot me an email.
- Blogging - This will only be 2/3 here, which is okay. I was 3/3 on the gaming blog, which makes sense since it was an "off week." I knocked out my personal post, too. Just in the nick of time.
- Reading Goal - Posted the first of my Group Read entries yesterday. I'm glad I decided to do this, got some great comments and enjoyed seeing the responses of others. It's amazing how we can all read the same words, and take away such different ideas.
The WIP goal should get back to a writing goal this week. I'm going to start on my next novel, a sequel to The Binder's Daughter. I'm not sure sequel is the right word. Next in the series. I'm trying to make these more standalone. In any case, I plan to try to start off writing a page a day with the weekend off (or for catch-up). I still have a couple of post-release activities going on for Fates' Motif, so I'm keeping the goal conservative for now. I will probably try to speed up once I put the first few chapters behind me.
Here's a look at my "off-week" word count:
- Since last check in: 2,685
- New Fiction: 0 - In Between Projects
- Round 2 Total: 21,974
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